A new shop and a bit more information

Today, it has been revealed that a new shop is on the way for Rukora. This one is being based on a new website with many more features including many more products to sell. The old shop is going to stay open but will no longer be the official shop for Rukora but will instead become the Group B Gift Shop when the new ‘Turning Point’ economic model is introduced and until then will be called the ‘unofficial’ gift shop. Now, as many other leaders already know, there has been a Facebook based publicity campaign in Rukora for new citizens and, to a degree, has worked a bit. If you are one of the people who have noticed this publicity campaign, here is some more information for you:

Rukora is a new country that was formed on the 22nd September 2009. It was created to be a place where people could be who they want to be and think what they want to think, without pressure from others to try and convert them to thinking differently. We are a civilized country but still a free country (much freer than England will ever be). We also treat everyone the same as each other regardless of what differences they may have. And again, you are free to ask any questions you may want to ask.

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